Manage Newsletters
- Go to
- Click "Log In" in the top right. Please note when logged in you will see your initials or a circle where the "Log In" button is.
- After logging in, click your initials/the circle in the upper right corner and select "Your Newsletters" from the options. You can also see this by selecting " Newsletter Preferences" at the bottom of the page under Support
- On the following page you can select the newsletters you would like to receive as well as remove yourself from newsletters you currently receive.
You can unsubscribe from our emails by visiting our email preference center, located here: - Logged in users will see a list of newsletters they are currently subscribed to and there is an unsubscribe from all link at the bottom of the page. If you aren't signed into our site, open an email from America's Test Kitchen in your inbox and click "Unsubscribe" at the bottom of the message. It will take you to your current newsletter subscriptions. You can can opt-out of select newsletters or unsubscribe from all by clicking "Unsubscribe" at the bottom of the page.